Monday, April 14, 2008

Fort Collins and a Magic Hat (19 & 20)

Two new beers to tell you about...

The first is a beer from the Fort Collins Brewery called Major Tom's Pomegranate Wheat. Now, I'm still no connoisseur about beer, let alone still any good at writing reviews about them, so all I can say is, "YUM". Send that one to the presses! This was a great beer with some kick. I've had pomegranate in tea, but never thought I'd see it in a beer. Give it a go one time. I'd get it again if I saw it on the grocery store shelves.

The second was an old favorite. Magic Hat #9. Magic Hat beers rule, I don't care who you are.

Here's the stats:

Fort Collins Pomegranate Wheat
Container: Drought
Style: Wheat (Weizen)
Brewer: Fort Collins Brewery
City: Fort Collins, CO
Country: United States
Description: A nice, slightly sweet-tart Wheat Beer brewed with pomegranates. Nice amber color,with a small white head. Taste of slightly sweet fruit. Clean wheat finish.
ABV: 4.8

Magic Hat #9
Container: Drought
Style: Pale Ale
Brewer: Magic Hat Brewing Company
City: South Burlington, VT
Country: United States
Description: This fruit ale pours a golden color with a light, off white head. The aroma of apricots is distinct although not overpowering which follows through to the taste. The light body adds to the hint of sweetness which turns slightly hoppy towards the finish. Great refreshing fruit ale!
ABV: 4.6

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