Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Thanks, Marc! (029 & 030)

Like I said in my last post, I am behind in my posts but this one will get me current and up to speed. A few weeks back, my friends Marc and Justin (who is now my boss as well) met at the Saucer for an after work brew. Marc treated which was unexpected and very appreciated! Thanks for the beers, brother!

The disadvantage to logging in my beers so long after the fact is that my already dull reviews are as a result even more so. I'll try to do a better job in future, in any case it's just a tally, right? Although I would like to leave some sort of impression on the kind of experience I'm having during my quest. I am glad to say that I am not yet bored or regretful I've started this blog. I'm having a good time with it and even if I'm the only one to look back at these posts, it's been a fun experience so far.

First, I must remark on one particular beer-related subject before I get into my latest two beers: this morning I got word via email that Durham's World Beer Fest will be October 5th at the Durham Bulls Athletic Park. Tickets go on sale mid-August and I am poised for pre-order.

Ever onward... the first brew of the night was a tasty Holy Mackerel Mack in Black. The pomegranate really gave it a pop at first, but by the end of the glass, I was glad it was done. I couldn't do a 6-pack of this one, but knocking out a tap was good. Bravo for my first Florida beer. Abv 8%.

The second and last of that night was a Scottish Beer, Belhaven Twisted Thistle. It was a delicious IPA that was refreshing and finished much better than the Mack did. It has an abv of 6.1%.

Holy Mackerel Mack in Black (BTL)

Container: Bottled
Style: Porter/Stout
Brewer: Gordash Brewing Co.
City: Melbourne, FL
Country: United States
Description: Dark chocolate barley gives this Imperial Stout a black color with a tan head. The use of pomegranate juice and Belgian yeast create a sweetness that is well balenced by a coffee-like bitterness. 8.0 ABV.

Belhaven Twisted Thistle

Container: Draught
Style: India Pale Ale
City: unassigned
Country: Scotland
Description: This Scottish ale is a version of and IPA with peat smoked malt. It has nice cascades in the aroma and upfront and then a smokiness on the palate. Great beer and an interesting profile.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Three White Ales (026, 027 & 028)

I'm a bit behind in logging in my beers. Last month I notched a few more and I'm just now getting to it... I didn't get a stout like I promised myself, but at least they were all German/Belgian-style classics. Here's the latest:

For my birthday freebie, I wanted a hefeweizen beer which is currently my favorite style. It's a German style wheat beer similar to a belgian white style. The one I picked out was the Hurricane Hefeweizen from Foothills Brewery in Winston-Salem, NC. It was outstanding. It was so smooth, I could drink hefeweizen all day. It's a 5.3% abv and looked a little darker than a Blue Moon. One of the best so far. I would definately get this one again.

The next one on tap was the Lost Coast Great White. This is a Belgian style that was very good but not as special as the Foothills brew. It was lighter and fruitier than the hefe and had an abv of 4.8%.

The last of the evening was the Blanche De Bruxelles, from the Lefebvre Brewery in Belgium. It is similar to a hefeweizen, but the style is called a Witbier. This one had an orange flavor to it and reminded me of a Shocktop. It has an abv of 4.5% and was an overall very good beer.

Here is the detailed F.S. data:

Foothills Hurricane Hefeweizen

Container: Draught
Style: Wheat (Weizen)
Brewer: Foothills Brewing Co.
City: WinstonSalem
Country: United States
Description: This Hefe-Weizen pours an orangey-yellow with a tight white head. Aromas of an appropriate banana-clove combination follow thru to the taste with mild carbonation. Spices are noted in the lingering finish. 5% abv.

Lost Coast Great White

Container: Draught
Style: Belgian Style Ale
Brewer: Lost Coast Brewing Co
City: Eureka, California
Country: United States
Description: An American version of the Belgian style. This unfiltered beer has a striking translucent, golden color with white clouds. Seemingly a contradiction in terms, it has a full body mouth-feel but is surprisingly light to drink. Topped with a hint of citrus, provided by Coriander and a secret blend of Humbolt herbs, this beer is slightly sweet and a delight to drink in any season.

Blanche De Bruxelles

Container: Draught
Style: Belgian White Ale
Brewer: Blanche De Bruxelles
City: Lefe'vire
Country: Belgium
Description: A very light white ale in the Belgium style with a hint of citrus and a complex, dry finish. Formally Manekin Pis, this beer offers all the attributes one would expect from a witbier. Cloudy due to residual yeast in the keg.